地坪漆施工,施工工艺**,性能特点优异,适用范围广 适用范围:适用于户外地坪、球场、体育看台、健身中心、游戏场等有耐光照、保色、**等要求的水泥地面的涂装 Applied in the fields where photo stability , color permanence and abrasion resistance are required, including outdoor floor, playing court, bleachers, recreation center, playground and etc 性能特点:1、保光、保色,耐候性能好,色彩亮丽,长久如新;2、含有强化骨材,质硬**;3、表面止滑处理,防滑;4、附着力强、耐冲击;5、除传统丙烯酸球场外,另有弹性丙烯酸球场材料 1、 Good gloss retention, color permanence and durability 2、 Good hardness and abrasion resistance due to containing enhanced aggregate 3、 Anti-slip by surface treatment 4、 Excellent adhesion and impact resistance 5、 Elastic acrylic materials also provided for playing court besides the traditional acrylics 施工工艺:1、打磨、清理地面;2、涂布封闭底漆;3、刮涂砂浆(如有需要);4、刮涂腻子;5、涂布丙烯酸色漆2遍 1、 Abrading and cleaning ground surface 2、 Brushing primer sealer 3、 Brushing mortar(If needed) 4、 Spreading colored acrylic paint twice