地坪漆施工,施工工艺**,适用范围广,性能特点优异 适用范围:适用于有高强度、高附着力和重防腐要求的场合,如废水槽、游泳池、碱水池、储罐等,基材为水泥、混泥土、钢铁等的表面和内壁的涂装 Applied in the fields where high strength, excellent adhesion and chemical resistance are required, including waste water tank, swimming pool and alkaline water tank etc. 性能特点:1、具有环氧树脂的高强粘结力;2、因有玻璃纤维的补强,不易龟裂,强度大,热裂变温度高;3、耐酸、碱、溶剂等的腐蚀;4、**、耐划伤,使用寿命长;5色彩鲜艳;6、施工工艺有:一布三油、二布四油、三布五油等;7、使用寿命十年以上。 1、 Exhibiting excellent cohesion the same as epoxy resin 2、 High strength, high cracking temperature and difficult to chap due to the reinforcement of glass fiber 3、 Resistance to acids, alkalis, salts solutions 4、 Good abrasion resistance, anti-scratch and along service life 5、 Bright-colored 6、 Diverse coating procedures 7、 Service life over 10 years 施工工艺:1、基面处理;2、涂刷环氧底漆;3、铺设玻璃纤维布;4、平整、打磨处理;5、涂刷中涂层;6、涂布面层漆 1、 Treating 2、 Brushing epoxy sealer 3、 Laying glass cloth 4、 Leveling and abrading 5、 Brushing inter coating 6、 Spreading top coating